Metal Gear Solid - März 2012
1 - Facedrawing practice part one. I tried to copy always the same face and then added the specific stuff that makes them look unique. F.l.t.r.: Solid Snake from MGS1, Iroquois Pliskin from MGS2, Old Snake from MGS4, Liquid Snake from MGS1 and Master Miller from MGS1.
2 - Facedrawing practice part two. F.l.t.r.: Solidus Snake from MGS2, Naked Snake from MGS3, Big Boss from MGS Peacewalker and Big Boss from MG1.
3 - First chibi style try of Otacon. Kind of a fail. I don't like it.
4 - Pretty much the same as
#1 and
#2 but this time with Revolver Ocelot from MGS1 and Ocelot from MGS3.
5 - Second chibi style try. Much better than
#3. F.l.t.r.: Otacon from MGS4, Revolver Ocelot from MGS1 and Solid Snake from MGS1. Kind of a win. I love it :D I think I will allways use this style for Chibis.
Feb 2012
1 - Antonia, the cat of a friend
2 - The foot of Antonias owner
3 - Naked Snake from Metal Gear Solid 3 as a pony
4 - Eva from Metal Gear Solid 3 as a pony
5 - Old Snake profile from Metal Gear Solid 4
6 - Old Snake front from Metal Gear Solid 4
7 - Otacon profile from Metal Gear Solid
8 - Otacon front from Metal Gear Solid
2006 + 2008
1 - A girl chasing some pidgeons
2 - A guy with an afro. This was one of my first attepts to draw a dynamic pose.
3 - Aang from Avatar. I tried to make him look a bit older.
4 - My old Naruto OC Kaoru Hatake as a child.
5 - A failed portrait of Aang from Avatar.
März bis September 2012
1 - Massive fail attempt to draw a portrait of Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid.
2 - Chibi Big Boss :3
3 - Ponified Sunny Gurlukovic from MGS.
4 - My boyfriend's nephew wanted me to draw Yoshi. Here you go
5 - Sailorfied versions of the mane six from My little Pony - Friendship is Magic. I hate you, anatomy.
6 - Very quick sketch of Solid Snake again.
7 - My boyfriend's niece wanted me to draw a baby pony... so hafe baby Pinkie Pie :3 My first attempt on drawing baby ponies, btw. Without refernce.
8 - Quick Illu of my Rainbow Dash Gijinka cosplay. I wish my breast were this big T_T
RPG Spring and Summer 2012
1 - Kelborhal, a fey'ri NPC from my Dungeons and Dragons group. He is more or less my characters arch enemy.
2 - This is my Icewind Dale 1 main character Karina, a neutral good transmuter. Made her for the IDW NPC Project and romanced her with Holvir :3 They are so cute together x3
3 - My D&D character Merella (chaotic evil sorceress) and her best friend (translate into only friend ) uhm... oh god, I forgot he name... something with "N"... Haven't pölayed in a while, sorry ^^' Fun fact about her, she owns a cursed Bhaal amulet, which turns her into the Slayer when she get's upset (Baldur's Gate fans will know ) Good thing that our best friends the Zentarim gave us a magic ring, so that she won't go rampageing all the time (after destroying a Bane temple ). She is one of our permanent NPC companions, after Kelbohal went his ways and used to be a slave until we freed her (I don't even rember anymore why we did that ...).
4 - My Warhammer 40.000 Rouge Trader character Rita. The main inspiration for her was the german point and klick adventure Deponia Play it, it's awesome!
5 - Merella ponified.
6 - The first sketch of ~Eldalosse rpg character Vendince after she has won my 6,000 watcher Kiriban
7 - This picture reminds me that I suck so very very hard at dice rolling -.- On one D&D session our party was stuck in another dimension that belonged to Garagos. We were supposed to forge ourself fitting outfits/ armors there and our gamemaster had us draw those and we also had to roll the dice if we would pass. Eventually, I roled a 1 -.- And so got Merelly killed once more. Yay.
8 - An armor sketch for Rita.
October 2012
I've had kind of an artblock the whole last month (still have) and this is pretty much the only things I've drawn since then (the sprites don't count).
1. Auquarell flower. Nothing special, just to test if my inking pencils are aquarell proof. I also remembered to NEVER use black paint in Aquarells it darkens to pictures to much.
2. - 6. Various Pokémon sketches I made while watching the Zoroark movie. It was lame, btw (suprise). 2. Celebi 3. Zorua 4. Piplup 5. Shuppet 6. Hoppip (without ears... genius)
SeplundPetra |
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