Bun 006 a Baker
well heck. i started this new series about a bread roll about 3 weeks before the corona virus hit. for the last few months it's seemed pointless and sort of stupid to draw cartoons that aren't about COVID-19. but now, i've even passed through that stage, and think maybe it's good to also have artwork that isn't about the virus. not that we can go back in time, to before, but maybe we can go forward. to a place that's not all about the virus. i'm not sure i will draw any more in this series, but i've already got some done, so i'll put them up at least. here's the next in the series. good luck, everyone.
Matze_malt |
Future-profession: Maybe managing Bugs Bunny? For further infomation please contact Warner Bros. Call "loney toons" for your new job ... ;-)
Bun-toon >>> into my stomach ... uh, collection (and 5*).
kurisuno |
That is understandable.