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Varro (Concept Art)
Dieses Outfit trägt der Hauptantagonist meiner Star Wars: Destiny-Comics in der ersten Ausgabe.
Die meisten Elemente von Varros Outfit stammen von einem älteren Kostümdesign, allerdings habe ich den Look einfacher gehalten.
This is the outfit that the main antagonist of my Star Wars: Destiny comics will wear in the first issue.
Most parts of Varro’s outfit are sourced from an older costume design, but I kept the overall look simpler.
Die meisten Elemente von Varros Outfit stammen von einem älteren Kostümdesign, allerdings habe ich den Look einfacher gehalten.
This is the outfit that the main antagonist of my Star Wars: Destiny comics will wear in the first issue.
Most parts of Varro’s outfit are sourced from an older costume design, but I kept the overall look simpler.

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