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Havranh Vibrosword (Concept Art)
Ich habe ich das Schwert von Sentinel Prime aus Transformers: Dark Of The Moon als Vorlage für das Havranh-Vibroschwert genutzt. Damit es einen Wiedererkennungswert als Havranh-Waffe hat, habe ich einige Designelemente der Havranh-Blaster wiederverwendet (z.B. die Havranh-Symbole und die Schraubenelemente).
I used the sword of Sentinel Prime from Transformers: Dark Of The Moon as a template for the Havranh vibrosword. To make it recognizable as a Havranh weapon, I used some design element from the Havranh blaster (like the Havranh symbols and the screws).
I used the sword of Sentinel Prime from Transformers: Dark Of The Moon as a template for the Havranh vibrosword. To make it recognizable as a Havranh weapon, I used some design element from the Havranh blaster (like the Havranh symbols and the screws).

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